MsPsycho's Sexy Thoughts

Posts Tagged ‘killing spree

Part Four

I wanted to feast on my victims but first I wanted to feast on their pain and suffering. I picked up the bat and licked off some blood before I used it on both victims breaking arms and legs. When I was sure they weren’t going to be moving for a long while, I went into the kitchen, turned on the stove and heated up several metal barbecue skewers on the stovetop.

While I waited for the skewers to heat, I shoved a whole box of sewing needles under both officers fingernails and toenails. During the procedure they both passed out, but I revived them by chucking ice water from the icebox into their faces. I then used the hot skewers to burn their flesh across their faces and nut sack. I then pushed some into their bellies and the stab wounds that I had made earlier.

Using a machete I cut off Officer Mike’s feet and hands. By the time I had finished, his blood lost had apparently been more than he could handle and he was now laying on the floor completely lifeless with no breath remaining in his body. His body quickly stiffened and left his cock standing hard straight up in the air. Rubbing my hands down the length of his man meat it stayed firm to my touch. I thought to myself there was no reason why I should let such a wonderful thing as a hard cock go to waste, so I lowered myself over his hard cock and began fucking his lifeless corpse.

As I fucked his cock, I leaned down and lovingly kissed him on his bloody lips, licking the blood off as I did. I fucked his stiff cock until I was ready to cum. I then reached down and pushed both of my thumbs into his eyes, gouging both of them out. I reached into his split open stomach and pulled out more of his guts and ran them through my fingers as I began cumming on his cock. I split his chest open further and grabbed his still slightly warm heart. “Mmmmm,” I growled and took his heart into my mouth with one savage chomp.

I cut off a large chunk of his thigh muscle, walked into the kitchen and began to fry his meat like a large steak. It slowly sizzled as I added spices from the cabinet, and waited for it to cook on both sides. I placed the meat on a plate and carried the steaming meat back to my first officer on the bed and offered him a piece.

“Open your mouth for me!” Sobbing he obeyed. Instead of giving him the cooked meat, I slid the gun into his mouth. This was the last time he would ever hurt a person again. I liked the way his lips cupped the gun’s muzzle. When I pulled the trigger the gun exploded the back of his head off. His eyes went wide and he went stiff. Stiff enough that I was able to climb on his cock for one last ride. When I finished I pressed the gun to his cock and blew cockmeat into a several pieces. I then sat down on the bed by their bloody lifeless bodies and began eating my rare steak. Which gave me the much needed protein to continue my killing spree.

After finishing every last juicy morsel, I  took what was left of the cock and walked into the kitchen and threw it into the frying pan. While the meat was cooking I quickly showered washing all the body fluids from my body and then went into the bedroom and put on some of the officers wife’s clothing. Satisfied with the way I looked, I began searching for the keys to a patrol car. I loaded the Glock with a new clip that I found in a dresser, and stuffed it into my waistband. I left the cockmeat to burn on the stove as I walked away.

My first officers wife would be returning home soon, and by then a raging fire would be smouldering throughout the kitchen and floor above. I walked outside, pulled the front door shut behind me and drove away. It had been a glorious day for killing, and I had left a real fucking beautiful mess behind me. All the blood and mess everywhere would give the forensics guys a lot of things to play with, if any of it survived the fire.

Slowly as I drove away I was beginning to regain some sense of my identity. My memory was returning and I decided my first move was to return to the woods where I had killed the other officer and take care of his remains. There I could leave the patrol car, hidden behind several trees and just simple walk away. I felt outside the law, above and beyond it.

By late that night I was hundreds of miles away driving another stolen car, down back roads through a rural neighborhood. As I neared a house that stood alone down a narrow, hidden driveway, I could see a Deputy Sherriff’s car parked out front along the side of the road. Looking in through the large front bay window I could see an officer standing there alone, in jeans and a tee-shirt. He was around 6 foot tall and in really nice shape, with the short copcut hairstyle. I had seen on the news where he had accused of beating up lady while in handcuffs. Just like the other cops…they were all bad excuses for human beings and didn’t deserve to live.

As stared at him through the window my cunt began sending sigals to my brain. Instinctively I pulled the car over behind some trees and walked slowly up to the house. I held the fully loaded Glock in my hand as I rang the doorbell.

“Hi officer. I was wonder if you could help me out?”

“Sure. Is there a problem?” he asked with a puzzled look on his face.

“Not yet, but there soon will be,” I said taking the gun out of my pants and pointing it at his forehead.

The End or is it?

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